Training and Quality Assessment

Training and Quality Assessment

Create training or Quality Assessment sessions in My Module and assign questions to entire image Collections or individual images in My Cases

Administrators can assign questions to images collections or cases; answers from participants can be designed as numbers, free text or multiple choice from drop down menus or checkbox lists

Training and Quality Assessment

Create training or Quality Assessment sessions in My Module and assign questions to entire image Collections or individual images in My Cases


Once Course, Case or Quality Assessment content has been organized (see Share Images and Organize your Content) the next step is to create and assign content relevant questions to individual images in My Case or to entire image collections in My Module.

New questions can be created in My Questions and can be designed as numbers, free text, checkbox lists or multiple choice from drop down menus. Sequential questions or subspecialty questions can be organized in groups and applied to single images or image collections. Once all questions have been assigned to Course, Case or Quality Assessment content, invitation of participants can commence is operated by PathoPulse